We are so excited to be announce this amazing rebate exclusive to our House of Worship Customers!
House of Worship Customers will receive an amazing $300-$500 rebate Now through March 2020 on some fantastic Panasonic model projectors.

Now is most definitely the time to upgrade your lamp projector to a laser. The benefits of laser projection are truly unmatched by traditional lamps. Laser projection offers a wider range of much more vivid colors than lamp projection. The longevity of a laser projector is also far greater than a lamp. The typical lifespan of a laser projector is 20,000 hours, as opposed to the typical lamp projector life of only 2,000 hours. If the laser projector is used 8 hours per day it will last over 9 years! That is 7 years longer than a typical singe lamp usage.
Apart from the rebate savings, in most circumstances you'll be able to reuse you current projector's lens! Saving you even more!
Give us a call or message us though the website for more information. This deal is available through the last day of March 2020! 1-877-643-2628
